FAQ for Mentees
How can I get involved? Any MAMAS member is welcome to sign up for a mentor. To become a MAMAS member, visit the Membership tab.
Law students are welcome to join as associate members with no dues required.
To register for the Mentor Program, email mamasandiego@gmail.com. Please send the following information:
- Name
- Home Address
- Phone
- Email Address
- Law School and Anticipated Year of Graduation
- Practice Areas of Interest
- Name(s) of Child(ren) and Age(s)
- Other Interests
How are mentors and mentees matched? Pairs are typically matched with mentors based on the mentee’s practice area interest and/or by the age(s) of the child or children.
When are mentors and mentees matched? Mentors and mentees are matched in late fall. Each mentor and mentee will receive the other's contact information. It is the responsibility of the mentee to make the initial contact with the mentor within a few weeks of the pairing.
FAQ for Mentors
How can I become a Mentor? It’s easy! Just email mamasandiego@gmail.com with the following information:
- Name
- Home Address
- Work Address
- Phone
- Email Address
- Practice Areas
- Law School and Year of Law School Graduation
- How many years have you been in practice?
- Name(s) and Age(s) of Child(ren)
- Please indicate if you have a preference for a law student or expecting/first-time mother attorney as a mentee
- Other interests
When are mentors and mentees matched? Mentors and mentees are matched in late fall. Each mentor and mentee will receive the other's contact information. It is the responsibility of the mentee to make the initial contact with the mentor within a few weeks of the pairing.
Are there any other obligations? Mentors are encouraged to attend the once-a-year Mentor Program reception to celebrate the program with their mentee. The reception is usually held in the fall.
Where should I meet with my mentee? Meetings can be as formal or informal as you and your mentee wish. Some pairs meet over lunch or coffee, while others meet in an office setting for convenience and a quiet place to talk. This is really up to you!